Comments below are from the participant descriptions of the meanings behind their jewellery collections:

“My pieces have been made in memory of my daughter Megan who was stillborn in 2022. I made a Chrysanthemum flower which I had at her funeral and is the birth flower of November which is the month she passed. The angel on top of the flower is my angel Megan, stepping into her new life. This jewellery making has brought me closer to my daughter in ways I could not imagine. I’m so proud of my work (NEVER IN MY LIFE would I think I could ever achieve such a beautiful piece)”

“As the theme was nature, I picked a leaf to represent life. I first tried with copper and developed it further to make it in silver, then I thought of December birth flowers; holly and narcissus, which have meanings of defence and good wishes. Hence, I wanted the pieces I make to be protected, easy and always.” 

“The dragon is my fiery companion and provides me with protection, strength and courage.”

“Why I chose these leaves of oak and maple? Because both of these leaves are of great importance to me and my family. My dad, every time a child was born, that is me and my brothers , would plant a tree ; an oak for my sons and maple for my girl. We have been doing this for generations in our family, and it is such a tradition. Trees symbolise freedom, trust, the strength to survive and determination, and despite the difficult conditions continue to grow strong and beautiful.”